First steps

In this section we will guide you through your first request.


In Shippify, we provide two environments, one for production and the other for testing. These consist of 2 different accounts, both pointing to the same endpoint but with different credentials. To create your accounts, please review this website.


Access to deliveries via API is based on HTTP basic authentication. To call our API, you must use your credentials found in the company settings.

You'll obtain an APP ID and an APP SECRET from the dashboard to construct your token using basic auth. In tools like Postman, you can directly input your credentials, and it's not necessary to construct the token.

However, for code integration, you'll need to construct the basic token to add it to the headers of the requests under the key Authorization. This is done by encoding the credentials (separated by :) to base64.

const apiId="XXXXXXXX";
const apiToken="XXXXXXXXXX";
const token = `Basic ${btoa(`${apiId}:${apiToken}`)}`;

The domain to call the endpoints is:

First request

To test our API, you only need the authentication credentials. For our first request, we will consume an endpoint for countries. In this space, you can test the request with your credentials.

Response API status codes

Each interaction with the Shippify API returns an HTTP status code indicating whether the request was successful, failed, or requires particular actions for further steps.

Status codeDescription

200 OK

The request was successfully processed by Shippify.

400 Bad Request

The Shippify server could not decode the request body, typically due to malformed syntax or incorrect headers.

401 Unauthorized

The caller was not authorized to make the request because authentication credentials were missing or incorrect. Please consult the Authentication link for proper authentication methods.

404 Not Found

The requested resource could not be found. Please refer to the Shippify API to find the correct endpoint names.

412 Precondition Failed

Payload with incorrect format.

429 Too Many Requests

The request exceeded the rate limit.

500 Internal Server Error

An internal server error occurred at Shippify. If the issue persists, please contact Support.

503 Service Unavailable

The Shippify server is temporarily unavailable. If the issue persists, please contact Support.

504 Gateway Timeout

The Shippify server acting as a gateway or proxy timed out while trying to fulfill the request. Please try again later or, if the issue persists, contact Support.


For most of our endpoints, we have certain limits configured when making a request, and it's important to keep in mind when integrating:

  • You cannot make more than 100 requests per minute to the API.

  • You cannot create or edit more than 100 orders in one request.

Postman collection

We provide our public API in a Postman collection with examples added for each request so you can test it. In this collection, there are two environments. Once you clone the collection, you can enter your credentials to use it.

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