
In this section we will show you the main functions that can be performed with our integration.

With our integration you will be able to execute the main functions that you need in your day to day to carry out your logistics with us, among them are:

  • Creating deliveries on our platform.

  • Status updates.

  • Checkout.

Creating a delivery in our system

This process will be executed automatically, every time an order goes to invoiced status and the final customer previously chose Shippify as the shipping method, a delivery will be created in Shippify.

The task will be created with the order ID as the reference identifier.

In your VTEX dashboard, when the order is created in Shippify, you will be able to view the delivery ID and its tracking link.

Status update

When orders are on their way, delivered or cancelled the change will be visible in your VTEX dashboard. We have a wide variety of statuses from which you can select to send notifications to VTEX.

You can see each update from the Order Tracking History.

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