Welcome to this space created by and for developers, here you can find step-by-step instructions on how to integrate Shippify with your favorite e-commerce or platform.
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Welcome to this space created by and for developers, here you can find step-by-step instructions on how to integrate Shippify with your favorite e-commerce or platform.
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If you wish to integrate our services into a platform you are currently using to manage your orders, you need to consider two important processes:
Creation of deliveries in Shippify.
Updating statuses in the external platform.
If your store operates on an e-commerce platform associated with us, these processes are already implemented and it will only be necessary to install and configure the application. Otherwise, you can select our integration guide to show you the step-by-step process.
If you're already familiar with our system and need additional information, you can navigate directly to our API.
If you have your store on an e-commerce platform, you can review this list for a quick and efficient integration.
Get to know the various ways to integrate Shippify into your external platform.
Learn how to integrate your platform with Shippify by consuming our API, which we make available to you.