
Webhooks allow you to subscribe to events that Shippify generates every time a delivery or route is changed. When one of those events is triggered, we'll send a HTTP POST request to the webhook's configured URL.

Webhook Setup

Declaring a Webhook

In your Shippify account, go to the left menu, choose the Automations section, look for `Push Webhook` in the left side menu and press the `CREATE AUTOMATION +` button.

Choose the rules for the execution of your automation. You need choose the scope on which the automation will work, the event that will trigger the automation and extra conditions if you need so.

Define the parameters you need for your Webhook Automation

ParameterDescriptionMandatoryPayload Key


URL to which the event payload is going to be sent.

HTTP Method

HTTP Request Method for sending the payload

Proof of delivery

In case that the event has images attached, choose if you want to add them in your payload.

images (Array[])

HTTP Headers

Customized headers for the HTTP Request

Recipient's signature

Attach the recipient's signature as a png image with transparent background.

signature (String)

Base64 format

Images from Proof of delivery or signature are sent in base64 format. (If uncheck, then it's an url)

images/signature (base64 Array[]/String)

Tracking Url

Includes private tracking url of the delivery.

trackingUrl (String)

In this section you can manage the URL's you declare for each of the events you want to subscribe to. You can also test your webhooks in this section and you'l receive a sample payload.

Available Webhook Events

Specification of events available for webhooks:



Delivery is created

Fires whenever a new delivery is created.

Delivery is in transit

Fires when a delivery has been collected and is in transit.

Delivery completed

Fires when a delivery has been delivered.

Delivery returned

Fires when a delivery has been returned to the warehouse.

Delivery canceled

Fires when a delivery was canceled by an operator.

Deliver Hold By Courier

Fires when a delivery is being hold by courier for reasons like the package couldn't be delivered. In this case you'll find the reason in the notes parameter of the payload.

Event's Payload

When one of the events listed previously is done, the webhook is executed and sends the following payload:

Delivery Created Successfully




HTTP Method


   "routeId": null,
   "networkId": 225,
   "networkName": "Default-company test",
   "jobId": null,
   "blocked": false,
   "cityId": 2,
   "cityName": "Guayaquil",
   "cityLang": "es",
   "companyId": 1,
   "companyName": "Shippify Inc.",
   "companyPlanType": "postpaid",
   "companyParentId": 1,
   "companyMode": 0,
   "shipperId": null,
   "type": "flex",
   "vehicleCapacity": 2,
   "price": 2.75,
   "scheduledStartPickingDate": "2021-06-23T18:00:00.000Z",
   "scheduledEndPickingDate": "2021-06-23T19:00:00.000Z",
   "arrivalPickupDate": null,
   "scheduledStartDeliveryDate": "2021-06-23T19:00:00.000Z",
   "scheduledEndDeliveryDate": "2021-06-24T00:00:00.000Z",
   "arrivalDeliveryDate": null,
   "creationDate": "2021-06-22T20:51:27.000Z",
   "pickupDueDate": null,
   "deliveryDueDate": null,
      "lat": -2.1594806,
      "lng": -79.895742599,
      "originalAddress": "torres del norte, av. 9, guayaquil 090512, ecuador",
      "address": "torres del norte, av. 9, guayaquil 090512, ecuador"
      "lat": -2.1693477,
      "lng": -79.8985397,
      "originalAddress": "san marino shopping, av. francisco de orellana, guayaquil 090512, ecuador",
      "address": "san marino shopping, av. francisco de orellana, guayaquil 090512, ecuador"
      "name": "Test recipient",
      "email": "testrecip@test.com"
      "name": "Test sender",
      "email": "testsender@test.com"
   "state": 1,
   "tags": null,
         "name": "1",
         "qty": 1,
         "size": "S",
         "price": 0,
         "weight": 0,
         "fragile": false,
         "pickedUp": false,
         "delivered": false
   "referenceId": "referenceId",
   "notes": null,
   "attempts": 0,
   "countryCode": "EC",
   "countryName": "ECUADOR",
   "currencyCode": "USD",
   "formulaId": "815",
   "cash": 0,
   "distance": 1.7999999523162842,
   "distanceRoute": 1.7999999523162842,
   "eventEntity": "delivery",
   "eventDate": "2021-06-22T20:51:27+00:00",
   "itemsNumber": 1,
   "itemsWeight": 0,
   "itemsPrice": 0,
   "dbId": 214280954,
   "eventCreatedAt": "2021-06-22 20:51:27",
   "eventDescription": "Delivery was created successfully",
   "status": "processing",
   "eventId": 1624395087667

Delivery Hold By Courier




HTTP Method


Tracking URL

  "id": "t-xyz-123",
  "routeId": null,
  "networkId": 25,
  "networkName": "Default-company test",
  "jobId": null,
  "blocked": false,
  "cityId": 2,
  "cityName": "Guayaquil",
  "cityLang": "es",
  "companyId": 1,
  "companyName": "company test",
  "companyPlanType": "postpaid",
  "companyParentId": 1,
  "companyMode": 1,
  "shipperId": null,
  "shipperMobile": null,
  "type": "slot",
  "vehicleCapacity": 3,
  "vehicleId": null,
  "price": 0,
  "insurance": 0,
  "scheduledStartPickingDate": "2024-01-08T17:27:20.000Z",
  "scheduledEndPickingDate": "2024-01-08T17:57:20.000Z",
  "effectivePickupDate": "2024-01-08T16:33:44.000Z",
  "arrivalPickupDate": null,
  "scheduledStartDeliveryDate": "2024-01-08T18:12:20.000Z",
  "scheduledEndDeliveryDate": "2024-01-08T18:42:20.000Z",
  "effectiveDeliveryDate": "2024-01-08T17:27:07.000Z",
  "arrivalDeliveryDate": null,
  "creationDate": "2024-01-08T16:27:21.000Z",
  "pickupDueDate": null,
  "deliveryDueDate": null,
      "lat": -2.1594806,
      "lng": -79.895742599,
      "originalAddress": "torres del norte, av. 9, guayaquil 090512, ecuador",
      "address": "torres del norte, av. 9, guayaquil 090512, ecuador"
      "lat": -2.1693477,
      "lng": -79.8985397,
      "originalAddress": "san marino shopping, av. francisco de orellana, guayaquil 090512, ecuador",
      "address": "san marino shopping, av. francisco de orellana, guayaquil 090512, ecuador"
      "name": "Test recipient",
      "email": "testrecip@test.com"
      "name": "Test sender",
      "email": "testsender@test.com"
  "senderInfoDecoded": {
    "name": "Test",
    "email": "test@test.com",
    "phonenumber": "11111111"
  "receiverInfoDecoded": {
    "name": "Siham",
    "email": "",
    "phonenumber": ""
  "state": 6,
  "tags": null,
  "items": [
      "id": "",
      "uuid": "bb3ef06e-647d-412b-92d1-293de6f5ce76",
      "name": "caixa",
      "size": "S",
      "price": 0,
      "weight": 0,
      "pickedUp": true,
      "delivered": true,
      "sid": "t-shippify2-40254_3",
      "scanned": false,
      "qty": 62
  "referenceId": "test1234",
  "notes": "{\"reason\":\"ADDRESS NOT FOUND, NEED CHANGE\",\"reasonId\":11,\"comment\":\"test\"}",
  "notesJson": {
    "reasonId": 11,
    "comment": "test"
  "attempts": 1,
  "countryCode": "EC",
  "countryName": "ECUADOR",
  "currencyCode": "USD",
  "formulaId": "1234",
  "cash": 0,
  "distance": 305.6000061035156,
  "distanceRoute": 0,
  "distanceCharged": 0,
  "totalPackagePrice": 0,
  "eventEntity": "delivery",
  "eventDate": "2024-01-08T20:38:55+00:00",
  "lastEventParams": {
    "author": {
      "type": "client",
      "id": 1234,
      "name": "Client Name",
      "email": "client@mail.com"
    "method": "UPDATE_ROUTE_STATUS",
    "timestamp": 1704746335
  "colleted": 0,
  "paid": 0,
  "statusUpdateDate": null,
  "partial": 0,
  "itemsNumber": 62,
  "itemsWeight": 0,
  "itemsPrice": 0,
  "references": [],
  "incidences": [],
  "cityDepartment": null,
  "metadata": {
    "previousStatus": "processing"
  "previousStatus": "processing",
  "dbId": 948182101,
  "eventAuthor": {
    "type": "client",
    "id": 1234,
    "name": "Client Name",
    "email": "client@mail.com"
  "eventCreatedAt": "2024-01-08 20:38:55",
  "eventDescription": "Delivery is hold by courier (previous status was completed)",
  "eventParams": "{\"method\":\"UPDATE_ROUTE_STATUS\"}",
  "status": "hold_by_courier",
  "eventId": 1704746335377,
  "trackingUrl": "https://api.shippify.co/track/t-xyz-123?token={token}"

Delivery Completed




HTTP Method


Proof of delivery

Recipient's signature

    "id": "t-xyz-123",
    "routeId": null,
    "networkId": 25,
    "networkName": "Default-company test",
    "jobId": null,
    "blocked": false,
    "cityId": 2,
    "cityName": "Guayaquil",
    "cityLang": "es",
    "companyId": 1,
    "companyName": "company test",
    "companyPlanType": "postpaid",
    "companyParentId": 1,
    "companyMode": 1,
    "shipperId": null,
    "shipperMobile": null,
    "type": "slot",
    "vehicleCapacity": 3,
    "vehicleId": null,
    "price": 0,
    "insurance": 0,
    "scheduledStartPickingDate": "2024-01-08T17:27:20.000Z",
    "scheduledEndPickingDate": "2024-01-08T17:57:20.000Z",
    "effectivePickupDate": "2024-01-08T16:33:44.000Z",
    "arrivalPickupDate": null,
    "scheduledStartDeliveryDate": "2024-01-08T18:12:20.000Z",
    "scheduledEndDeliveryDate": "2024-01-08T18:42:20.000Z",
    "effectiveDeliveryDate": "2024-01-08T17:27:07.000Z",
    "arrivalDeliveryDate": null,
    "creationDate": "2024-01-08T16:27:21.000Z",
    "pickupDueDate": null,
    "deliveryDueDate": null,
      "lat": -2.1594806,
      "lng": -79.895742599,
      "originalAddress": "torres del norte, av. 9, guayaquil 090512, ecuador",
      "address": "torres del norte, av. 9, guayaquil 090512, ecuador"
      "lat": -2.1693477,
      "lng": -79.8985397,
      "originalAddress": "san marino shopping, av. francisco de orellana, guayaquil 090512, ecuador",
      "address": "san marino shopping, av. francisco de orellana, guayaquil 090512, ecuador"
      "name": "Test recipient",
      "email": "testrecip@test.com"
      "name": "Test sender",
      "email": "testsender@test.com"
    "senderInfoDecoded": {
        "name": "Test sender",
        "email": "testsender@test.com"
    "receiverInfoDecoded": {
        "name": "Test recipient",
        "email": "testrecip@test.com"
    "state": 7,
    "tags": null,
    "items": [
            "id": "",
            "uuid": "bb3ef06e-647d-412b-92d1-293de6f5ce76",
            "name": "caixa",
            "size": "S",
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            "weight": 0,
            "pickedUp": true,
            "delivered": true,
            "sid": "t-shippify2-40254_3",
            "scanned": false,
            "qty": 62
    "referenceId": "test1234",
    "notes": "{\"comment\":\"test\"}",
    "attempts": 0,
    "countryCode": "EC",
    "countryName": "ECUADOR",
    "currencyCode": "USD",
    "formulaId": "1234",
    "cash": 0,
    "distance": 305.6000061035156,
    "distanceRoute": 0,
    "distanceCharged": 0,
    "totalPackagePrice": 0,
    "eventEntity": "delivery",
    "eventDate": "2024-01-08T17:27:08+00:00",
    "lastEventParams": {
        "author": {
            "type": "client",
            "id": 2534,
            "name": "Denny K. Saas",
            "email": "denny2@shippify.co"
        "method": "UPDATE_ROUTE_STATUS",
        "timestamp": 1704734827
    "colleted": 0,
    "paid": 0,
    "statusUpdateDate": null,
    "partial": 0,
    "notesJson": {
        "comment": "test"
    "itemsNumber": 62,
    "itemsWeight": 0,
    "itemsPrice": 0,
    "references": [],
    "incidences": [],
    "cityDepartment": null,
    "metadata": {
        "previousStatus": "processing"
    "previousStatus": "processing",
    "dbId": 948182094,
    "eventType": "DELIVERY_COMPLETED",
    "eventAuthor": {
        "type": "client",
        "id": 2534,
        "name": "Denny K. Saas",
        "email": "denny2@shippify.co"
    "eventCreatedAt": "2024-01-08 17:27:07",
    "eventDescription": "Delivery was completed (previous status was processing)",
    "eventParams": "{\"method\":\"UPDATE_ROUTE_STATUS\"}",
    "status": "completed",
    "eventId": 1704734828038,
    "images": ["https://cdn.dev.shippify.co/delivery-files/77030821377477563003dde3ce5.jpg"],
    "signature": "https://cdn.dev.shippify.co/delivery-files/16839098636794LPh1Zd7S5Goc9BvmQyG7BpT6asb.png"